Assembly, Painting & Rigging of Napoleonic Naval Models
in Scale 1:1200 by Langton Miniatures
Ref: PUB1

48 pages: cover & 4 pages with hull side colour illustrations.
Colour printed and laminated covers.
Wire bound.
Lots of diagrams.
Step by step instructions for rigging - no technical jargon.

Written by the team at Langton Miniatures, describing the process as it's done here.


bkcover.jpg (2161 bytes)

 Price: £14.00
plus p/p as follows:
UK £3.00,
Europe £5.75
W/w Zone 1 - £7.35
W/w Zone 2 - £8.55
USA - £7.50

Excerpt from the section on Standing Rigging:

bkdiag.jpg (20668 bytes)

excerpt.jpg (19248 bytes)

Some explanatory diagrams:

exc2.jpg (10755 bytes)

exc3.jpg (6971 bytes)

Positioning of bowsprit

Positioning of ratlines


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