The Named Vessels in our 1:1200 Napoleonic Naval range.

HMS Victory
(100) 'at quarters'.

This model is rather special in that the gun port lids are open at right angles to the ship's side to show the menace of her broadsides.

The Victory, Nelson's flagship, was painted in the chequerboard pattern at the Battle of Trafalgar. This style of painting was Nelson's choice, so that the vessels would be more easily identified from that of the enemy, during battle.

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Royal Sovereign (100): Another famous British 1st rate, the flagship of Vice Admiral Lord Collingwood who commanded the lee division at Trafalgar.

Windsor Castle (98): This vessel's history includes being with Hood at Toulon, 1793; Calder's Action 1805 and with Sir John Duckworth at the Dardanelles, 1807.

Britannia (100): Launched in 1762, this 1st rate ship-of-the-line was present at several of the major fleet actions of the Napoleonic wars including Toulon, St Vincent and Trafalgar. Also modelled with gun ports closed.

Indefatigable (44): Launched in 1784 as a 64 gun, she was cut down to a frigate in 1795. Indefatigable was successful in numerous actions including the destruction of the Droits de l'Homme (74).

Prince (98). Launched in 1788. Lengthened by 17' in 1796 to enable better sailing ability. The biggest British 98 at Trafalgar. Our model is based on the lengthened vessel.

Neptune/Temeraire/Dreadnought (98). Neptune class of 98 gun ships, launched between 1797-1801. All served at Trafalgar.

Agamemnon (64). Ardent class of 64's, launched 1781; wrecked in S. America 1809. Nelson always said this was his favourite ship.

Caesar (80). Launched Plymouth 1793. One of the few British built 80's. Only vessel in its class.

Queen Charlotte (100). Lord Howe's flagship at the Battle of the Glorious 1st of June 1794. Blown up by accidental fire in 1800.

Glatton (64). Bought from EIC in 1795. Armed with 28 x 68lb Carronades and 28 x 42lb Carronades. Fought at Copenhagen in 1801 under Captain Bligh of Bounty fame.

Click on image for more detailed view plus stern view of this model.

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Santisima Trinidad (140) 'at quarters':
This ship, in her time the largest in the world, is depicted as at Trafalgar, with immense 4-decked sides showing the barrels of her formidable broadsides. Distinguished by her red sides as well as by her size.

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Constitution (44):
This American frigate was launched in 1797. Measuring 175ft, she was longer than a British 74 gun common. Her record includes fighting Barbary pirates at Tripoli, 1804 and successes against the British in the War of 1812, The Constitution is still in existence today.

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Essex (32):
American light frigate, launched 1799. Measuring 140ft and built of the finest New England White Oak, she was an extremely fast sailor with her original armament of 26 long range 12lb and 16 x 24lb carronades. Used mainly as a commerce raider with many successes against the British under Capt Porter in 1812 and 1813.

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Congress (36-38). Built in Portsmouth, USA. Launched 1800.


Santa Ana (112). Vice Admiral Don I.M. de Alava's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar.