Scale 1:1200 Napoleonic Unrated Vessels
With complements of less than 20 guns, unrated vessels were commanded by lieutenants and comprised sloops, brigs, schooners, cutters, transports, bomb vessels and gunboats.

Sold as complete sets (hull, masts and sails). All sails which are 'set' are in photo etched brass; rest of kit in white metal alloy. See 'sail sets' page for descriptions of sail settings.
Please note however, that the sail setting ES1A - only - has a choice of brass or white metal sails.

Bomb Vessel  |  Ship Sloop   | Small Merchant  |   BrigSchooner  |  28 gun Schooner LuggerBarque |   Xebec  |   Ketch  |  CuttersGunboats    |   Floating Battery

Bomb Vessel
These were specialist vessels whose main armament was two mortars, usually 10ins and 13ins, which were used to lob shells into enemy fortifications. This model is of the Hecla, a converted merchantman, which by the use of removable bulwarks, was the first 'bomb vessel' to be able to fire its mortars horizontally as a broadside.
Set sails are photo etched brass except where stated. Furled are white metal..

BV1  Bomb Vessel AA (At Anchor)


BV2  Bomb Vessel ES1/APS (Easy Sail/All Plain Sail)


BV3  Bomb Vessel ES1A Easy Sail with Courses Furled)
 - choose from Brass photo etch or White Metal sails. Please specify.


BV5  Bomb Vessel SS (Studding Sail)


Ship Sloop (18 guns). Set sails are photo etched brass, furled are white metal.

SL1  Ship Sloop AA (At Anchor)


SL2  Ship Sloop ES1/APS (Easy Sail/All Plain Sail)


SL3  Ship Sloop ES1A (Easy Sail with Courses Furled)
- choose from Brass photo etch or White Metal sails. Please specify.


SL5  Ship Sloop FS (Full Sail)


SL6  Ship Sloop SS (Studding Sail)


SL7  Ship Sloop FC (Full Complement)


SHIP SLOOP 'AT QUARTERS' as above but add 'Q' after reference.

SL1Q  Ship Sloop AA (At Anchor)


SL2Q  Ship Sloop ES1/APS (Easy Sail/All Plain Sail)


SL3Q  Ship Sloop ES1A (Easy Sail with Courses Furled)
- choose from Brass photo etch or White Metal sails. Please specify.


SL5Q  Ship Sloop FS (Full Sail)


SL6Q  Ship Sloop SS (Studding Sail)


SL7Q  Ship Sloop FC (Full Complement)


Small Merchant (Set sails are photo etched brass, furled are white metal.)

SM2  Small Merchant  ES1/APS (Easy Sail/All Plain Sail)


SM3  Small Merchant ES1A (Easy Sail with Courses Furled)
 - choose from Brass photo etch or White Metal sails. Please specify.


SM5  Small Merchant SS (Studding Sail)



A useful vessel mounting up to 18 guns, sometimes carronade armed, used for
escort and reconnaissance. Set sails are photo etched brass, furled are white metal.

B1  Brig AA (At Anchor)


B2  Brig ES1 (Easy Sail./All Plain Sail)


B3  Brig ES1A (Easy Sail with Courses Furled)
 - choose from Brass photo etch or White Metal sails. Please specify.


B5  Brig FS (Full Sail)


B6  Brig SS (Studding Sail)


B7  Brig FC (Full Complement)


Schooner (Tops'l Schooner, 10 guns)
Usually lightly armed. Fast vessels, used for reconnaissance and despatch.

S1  10 gun Schooner with sails set (brass)


S2  10 gun Schooner AA


28 gun Schooner
An unusual vessel which was a special commission for a Turkish fleet.
Suitable also for an American fleet.

S3  28 gun Schooner with sails set (brass)


S4  28 gun Schooner AA


Bomb Vessel  |  Ship Sloop   | Small Merchant  |   BrigSchooner  |  28 gun Schooner
LuggerBarque |   Xebec  |  Cutters Gunboats    |  Floating Battery

Lugger or Chasse Mar£e
Used mostly for smuggling
and privateering.

With brass sails.

lugger.gif (70298 bytes)


Barque with lateen sails (brass)
Based on the Fileuse, built in Marseille 1778.

Assembly diagram opposite
included with kit.

barque.gif (15418 bytes)


or Chebec
These were used predominantly in the Mediterranean by Spain, France, Turkey and the Barbary pirates. They were capable of sailing with different sets of sail, according to the force or direction of the wind. The diagrams below show the difference between a Lateen rig which was more manoeuvrable and the Polacre rig which has a combination of square and lateen sails.
 Xebec Lateen (brass sails


Xebec Polacre (brass sails)


Xebec at anchor


xebecs.gif (46472 bytes)

Bomb Vessel  |  Ship Sloop   | Small Merchant  |   BrigSchooner  |  28 gun Schooner
LuggerBarque |   Xebec  |  Cutters Gunboats    |  Floating Battery

K1 Ketch
A 2-masted vessel used by all nationalities and pirates. The earliest form of bomb vessel. Set comprises metal hull and masts; and brass photo etch sails.


Used by most nationalities, these small handy vessels were generally employed
as dispatch vessels.

K1  Cutter with sails set (brass)


K2  Cutter with studding sails set (brass)


K3  Cutter at anchor



K4  Gunboats (standard) - 1 rowed and 1 sailed (brass sail)


K5  Gunboat (large) - hull, 2 sails (brass) and masts



Floating Battery
Used for harbour and estuary defence, they could be either purpose built, as is the model, or old, unseaworthy craft.

This kit is in white metal only (all parts).



Top of Page

Bomb Vessel  |  Ship Sloop   | Small Merchant  |   BrigSchooner  |  28 gun Schooner

LuggerBarque |   Xebec  |  Cutters Gunboats    |  Floating Battery